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Double Taxes. What is the threat of the abolition of tax agreements with the West?

In response to the inclusion of Russia in the European Union's tax blacklist, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affair...

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Kommersant English - president in his speech at the International Economic Forum

President Dmitry Medvedev in his speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum outlined five provisions the country's development. Medvedev, unlike his previous speeches, began his program theses the words "my choice". But forum participants were not sure that his speech reflected his plans to run for the second term. The story in Kommersant english examines the economic part of Dmitry Medvedev's speech at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, focusing on the most important provision in it - the lowering of the insurance fee rate since 2012 - from 34 percent down to 30 percent. Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko at the news conference in Minsk outlined in details his vision of the situation in the country in connection with the economic crisis. His relations with Russia became the central theme - Lukashenko accused it of the attempt to strip Belarus of independence and establish control over the strategic facilities of the national economy. Kommersant english comments on Lukashenko's pronouncements. ONEXIM Group head Mikhail Prokhorov, who intends to head The Right Cause, in St. Petersburg stated that the Russian authorities are not consistent with the reforms and that the model of vertical country management is outdated.It became known that the Lesosibirskaya Tax Inspectorate in Krasnoyarsky Krai intends to recover from him the income tax that exceeds 2 billion rubles.
The final contract on the delivery to Russia of two French helicopter-carriers of Mistral type was signed in St. Petersburg by Rosoboronexport head Anatoly Isaikin and French DCNS ship-building corporation head Patrique Buasjeu (Sp?) in the presence of Dmitry Medvedev. Their cost amounted to1.2 billion euros. Story in Kommersant english. The lawyers of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev sent a telegram to Alexander Reimer, head of the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments, with a request to immediately report about the whereabouts of their clients. Unofficial sources say that Mikhail Khodorkovsky was brought to the Number 7 Segezhskaya Colony and Platon Lebedev -- to Colony Number 14 in the Arkhangelsk region. The Constitutional Court of Ukraine has banned to use the Red Victory Banner equally with the symbols of state power, having seen in it the lack of correspondence to the fundamental country law. Kommersant English says the Moscow Tverskoi District Court on Friday found the accusations of abusing power by former First Deputy Head of Bank of Moscow Dmitry Akulinin legal. The Prosecutor General's Office has rejected pre-trial cooperation with Dmitry Urumov, the key figure of the high-profile case on guarding the underground gambling business. Thanks to his testimony, three ex-prosecutors have already been arrested. Prosecutor General Yury Chaika has vetoed the deal Dmitry Urumov. Kommersant english comments on the prosecutor general's decision .