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English Pravda - full-fledged corruption scandal touched Yury Chaika and his son Artyom
The full-fledged corruption scandal rather than simply the corruption risk has touched on Prosecutor General Yury Chaika himself, when his son Artyom was suspected of being involved in scandal concerning the illegal gambling business in the Moscow region and the Investigative Committee had several questions to ask him. Pravda gives concrete facts to illustrate the point. English Pravda news describes the specific features of voting day March 13 in 12 regions that elected their legislative assemblies. The Kirov region also elected its parliament is ruled by governor Nikita Belykh, a person from the democratic opposition and the SPS former leader. He found himself in an interesting position: on the one hand he should play by the system rules ensuring the necessary number of votes in favour of authorities, and other hand, he should follow his own liberal convictions. The United Russia party decided to come into contact with the Internet through the social network "VKontakte" party. English Pravda examines what has come out of it? English Pravda news describes Chechnya's President Ramzan Kadyrov is suing Oleg Orlov, head of Memorial human rights center, who allegedly slandered him. While military actions are continuing in Libya, where people are killed, business companies working in country are calculating their own financial losses. English Pravda examines such probable losses. Russia and Georgia in Switzerland conducted talks on Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization ( WTO). Moscow has not even officially confirmed this fact , which is not surprising: after August of 2008 Dmitry Medvedev declared his refusal from any contacts "the regime of Saakashvili". But there is no way out: Georgia is the only country out of WTO 153 members opposes Russia's accession and threatens to use its right to veto. English Pravda comments on issue guessing whether US Vice-President Joe Biden could help Russia. After the accident at the Japanese power plant some European countries stated about freezing nuclear projects. English Pravda news has decided to find out how its readers assess the safety of nuclear energy. Twenty-one politicians, spin doctors, Duma and Federation Council deputies, party leaders, economists and public figures share their views.
In 2010, 128. 7 thousand counterfeit ruble banknotes were found , the Central Bank reported. The most part of them (122. 5 thousand) were one-thousand banknotes. English Pravda names ten most destructive earthquakes and tsunamis in 20th and 21st centuries. English Pravda news comments results regional elections that many experts and politicians consider as unsuccessful for United Russia. English Pravda, however, believes the party's present regional problems in no way prevent its confident victory in Duma elections in December. "A forest lot is on sale"- such notices may be often seen on advertisement bill- boards, but before buying such a lot it is necessary to attentively study the documents, since the state in the person of Rosleskhoz intends to make the situation clear with the ownership rights for forest lots. English Pravda examines several concrete complicated situations. English Pravda news presents an analysis present situation on the world and local vodka market, focusing the main motivation of vodka consumption and its growing popularity. English Pravda examines in online the present situation on the freelance market, focusing on its chronic diseases and several new schemes are called upon to cure it. English Pravda news (in a chronological order starting March 11 up to March 17) presents the development of events in Japanese Fukushima-1 power plant. Why is there no marauding? asks the American CNN television company, comparing the situation in destructed and ruined Japanese cities what was happening in New Orleans after the Katrina typhoon attacked it and where police had to use arms. And really , why are the Japanese in the face natural calamity demonstrating stoicism, a high level of self-organization and an amazing decency and honesty in extreme conditions? English Pravda news Historians have learned this over centuries. The second trial over anti-fascists Maxim Slopov and Alexei Gaskarov is expected to take place in Moscow Khamovnichesky District Court today. They are accused of organizing an attack on the building Khimki city administration in July 2010. English Pravda today examines their case. When speaking before agrarians at congress in Tambov in early March, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin admitted the Russian farmer is unable to feed the country, since there are no conditions. While the gvt thinks how to create these conditions Moscow young entrepreneur Boris Akimov has decided not to await favours from the state but to directly connect farmers with the consumers of their produce. English Pravda examines what has come out of it. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin last week censured the UN Security Council resolution concerning Libya. President Dmitry Medvedev, without using the name of prime minister toughly criticized his stand, using a specific idiomatic expression ( it is given). English Pravda news has decided to ask its readers what it means. Fifteen politicians, spin doctors, State Duma and Federation Council deputies, party leaders, economists and public figures share their viewpoints.
English Pravda news next question is Do you give bribes? Five politicians, State Duma deputies, bank heads and public figures, answer this question. A group of human rights activists and writers on March 21 submitted to the president an appeal in which they called on Vladimir Putin to pardon Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev. Khodorkovsky's lawyer Yelena Lukyanova outlined her stand on the issue of pardoning. Having studied the data on the entry of taxes to the budget system of Russia, authorities noted the budget ever more depends on citizens and ever less on oil, which means the country seemingly looks like the industrialized one. English Pravda believes such conclusions are premature. The state armaments program up to 2020 should receive 21. 5 trillion rubles, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov stated. Out of this sum 19. 5 trillion rubles will be spent on the purchase of armaments and military hardware for the Defense Ministry. The gvt will financially support direct foreign investments, and what makes Russian authorities do it is a sad situation in the investment sphere. But in order to correct it it is not enough to create a new institution - the sovereign fund of direct investments. Authorities will have to improve the business climate. English Pravda news presents labour market present state analysis, saying what professions and what specialists it will need very soon to modernize the economy. The Collectorship Center is suing Rospotrebnadzor head Gennady Onishchenko, who offended its representatives at the new conference in RIA-Novosti on March 14. Pravda online details the case. Analysts are heatedly discussing the possibility of nominating the single candidate from the opposition to run in the presidential elections. Who will head the "third force"? Four politicians, journalists and public figures answer this question on English Pravda news. The production of gold in the country in January-February of 2011 grew by 13. 9 percent - up to 19. 98 tons - as compared with the same period of 2010.
The discussion of two expert reports, one of which should help Dmitry Medvedev to be elected for a new term, and the second one explains why this will inevitably lead to a large-scale political crisis-- is continuing. English Pravda news examines these forecasts, in which it sees the signs of panic that has gripped the Russian elite in connection the crisis of managed democracy. At the beginning of presidency both Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev has created their expert centers for working out proposals connected with reforming the country. Putin --the Center for Strategic i Studies Fund headed by Mikhail Dmitriyev; Medvedev--the Institute for Contemporary Development Fund headed by Igor Yurgens. English Pravda news presents an analysis the State Duma's work in March , the third month of its spring session. It is generally accepted that politics is a dirty thing. Politicians themselves, of course, would disagree with it, but even they prefer to do several things wearing gloves. English Pravda news offers pictures showing 13 Russian and foreign politicians wearing gloves. The Federal Service for Financial Markets (FSFR) head Vladimir Milovidov that headed FSFR since 2007 handed in his resignation papers, and Deputy Finance Minister Dmitry Pankin was appointed to replace him. English Pravda news comments on Milovidov's resignation. The gold one-kilo coin devoted to the 1000th jubilee of Yaroslavl since April 1 has gone down in price by 150 000 rubles. Pravda english features the memorable coins, the owners of which, according to the amendments to the Tax Code, have been released from paying VAT. President Dmitry Medvedev's speech in Magnitogorsk last week may seem to be a significant and serious claim for his pre-election program. But the majority of provisions it contains is a repetition of the already once proposed ideas. The president's arguments and the urgency of proposed emergency measures most likely evidence the Kremlin's despair and fear to finally lose control over the situation in the country. The president was unable to propose systemic reforms and hope for a radical improvement of the business climate, but then he hinted at the possibility of "personnel decisions". The struggle between VTB and other shareholders of Bank of Moscow has been lasting since February when VTB bought from the Moscow gvt the controlling stake of the municipal bank. English Pravda news point in view is the "just price" of shares of Bank of Moscow, at which VTB should buy them from minority shareholders. Each side understands this term in its own way. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin last week announced his decision to merge the airports Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo, which will cost scores of billions of rubles from the federal budget. But the gvt assures that it will be possible to profitably privatize the united company. Related English Pravda news experts, however, believe this decision is only the beginning of the operation to absorb by the state structures of Airport Domodedovo. Is controlled by private group Ist Line. Russian streets in all cities are now paved with pavement tiles, and it is already not new but a stable trend. City mayors assure that it is beautiful, but the plant making tiles often belongs to the mayor's wife or seldom to his son or to any of his relatives.