In an Izvestia English interview permanent representative in NATO Dmitry Rogozin reveals Russia's stand on Libya. Izvestia english says that president Dmitry Medvedev in Irkutsk on April 18 will hold the State Council's Presidium session devoted to the struggle with the distribution of drugs among young people. The Central Bank on Friday presented a design of coins devoted to the upcoming Olympic Games in Sochi . The number of such coins is unprecedented-- the number of gold coins alone exceeds 5 million. Many people would like to buy them-- they hope that the coins will help preserve their accumulations. In an Izvestia English interview Nikolai Tsvetkov, head of the State Anti-Drug Committee talks about concrete proposals and measures his service intends to make at the session. Duma on Friday discussed a draft bill establishing the rule of amateur fishing. First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov took part in the discussion. The story in gazeta Izvestia english. The number of unemployed is the same as it was before the crisis, Health and Social Development Minister Tatyana Golikova reported at the Rostrud session on Thursday. The cited figures illustrate the point. The summit of BRICS that ended in China on Thursday proved the capability of this structure against the background of other international associations.
The Public Chamber has collected from citizens over a thousand corruption facts. It will be presented by the Public Chamber as was proposed by Dmitri Medvedev, Izvestia english report. President Dmitry Medvedev in China answered questions from english journalists. He said what he thought about the recent act of terror in Belarus, about the situation in Libya and about the significance of innovative development. Only half of the 25.9 billion rubles allocated by the federal budget to the regions for sowing work has reached agricultural producers. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin tried to find out from Agricultural Yelena Skrynnik and his First Deputy Viktor Zubkov. Izvestia english reported prosecutor General Yury Chaika has dismissed Alexander Mokhov, prosecutor of the Moscow region and his first deputy Alexander Ignatenko. The Health and Social Development Ministry has endorsed a new list of medicines for privileged persons. Vladimir Petrov, the ministry's main clinical pharmacological specialist not on its permanent staff and Rector of the Volgograd State Medical University, newspaper Izvestia English says what factors have demanded changes.
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