The fate of the VIP yacht "Krym" that in Soviet times often hosted CPSU general secretaries negotiations with their foreign olleagues, Izvestia newspaper reported. May 15 was the deadline of submitting income and property declarations. Izvestia newspaper sums up results of this campaign, saying that the number of such eclarations is really huge, but information about this issue as before is not enough. President Dmitry Medvedev in Kostroma on Saturday met with young parliamentarians, whom he stated that sooner or later the president of Russia will have to join a party. Izvesia newspaper tried to make it clear whether Medvedev meant himself or any other head of state in the future. Ombudsman Vladimir Lukin on July 1 will submit his report for 2010. The gvt will allocate 16 billion rubles for the economy development and the Kuril Islands social sphere. Besides that, the gvt program envisages the search of gold on the Islands. Izvestia newspaper describes the trip of the gvt delegation headed by Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov to the Sakhalin region. Rosaviatsia on its official site has posted a list of most unpunctual airlines. Today is the deadline of creating the Arctic alliance between the British oil company BP and Rosneft. But the TNK-BP shareholders joint venture are preventing the deal from becoming a reality. It is most probable from this the sides take additional time to continue the negotiations. The museum of Jewish history will officially open in Moscow on May 18. The founder of the museum Sergei Ustinov, the Russian Jewish Congress Vice-President told Izvestia newspaper's journalists about this museum, Izvestia newspaper says.
Izvestia newspaper says The Investigative Committee of Russia (SKR) has offered the public for discussion the draft bill that envisages criminal responsibility for legal entities. The point in view is the responsibility for speculative deals, for manipulating with prices and price collusions. Shadow directors will be also punished. Izvestia newspaper examines the main provisions of the draft. Izvestia newspaper says how the Interior Ministry comments on the resignation of six police generals , who were dismissed by President Dmitry Medvedev. The Interior Ministry has signed an order on introducing new rules of registering transportation means. The story reveals their essence. The Public Chamber in a couple of days apply to the Moscow gvt with an initiative of creating a city Public Chamber.This body is expedient for a dialogue between authorities and the public that today is absent at the city level. A special fund in charge of attracting foreign investments in Russia will be presented to potential partners at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum All documents should be ready by June 1. The idea of such a fund was outlined by the president in the state of the nation address to the Federal Assembly by the president. The continuing bombardments of Libya have made the public angry, and in view of this, people all over the world in rallies and demos express their protests. The Russian leaders have made their statements concerning these events. Dmitry Medvedev has offered Russia's services as a mediator, and Vladimir Putin in a tough form has criticized the coalition. Vladimir Putin today have a working visit to Slovenia and next week -- to Serbia. The visit has coincided with the anniversary of bombardments of Serbia by the NATO forces, which in the light of the Libyan events acquires a special meaning. Izvestia's experts are expecting from Putin serious statements and tough assessments.
The BRIC leaders in Chinese Sanya (Sp? ) in three weeks will meet together for a summit, at which the fifth participant-- South Africa -- join them, after which BRIC will be called BRICS. Israel today is returning the Sergiyevskoye town residence in Jerusalem. The symbolic transfer the "key" take place on the eve visit of Prime Minister Binjamin Netanjahu ( Sp?) to Moscow. President Dmitry Medvedev has appointed Federation Council member Mikhail Margelov special representative of the president in charge of cooperation with the African countries, Izvestia newspaper says. The European Council will impose additional sanctions against the regime in Tripoli. Nuclear security expert Vladimir Asmolov, First Deputy Director- General of Rosenergoatom and deputy-director Kurchatovsky Institute Research Center, returned from Japan on Sunday. On his way home he made a stop in Sakhalin, where he reported about the situation in Japan to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In Izvestia newspaper in english interview he talks about his personal impressions about his trip. Former French Foreign Minister Rolan Djuma, personal adviser to Muammar Gaddafi, told Izvestia newspaper about the coalition's plans of military operation in Libya. Izvestia Russian newspaper features the year of Italy in Russia that Culture Minister Alexander Avdeyev, Education Minister of Italy Mariastella Djelmini and Italy's Ambassador to Russia Antonio Dzanardi Landi opened in the Italian Embassy in Moscow on Sunday. President Dmitry Medvedev at an enlarged session of the Defense Ministry's collegium on Friday summed up results of the army reform in 2010 and set three tasks to the army and the navy. Izvestia newspaper examines them in detail. The Economic Development ministry has drafted amendments to the 94th law concerning the state procurements. Izvestia newspaper examines new features in them. A new provision the law concerning the obligatory medical insurance has taken effect today. Now every Russian can apply to polyclinics and hospitals in any district irrespective of the place of his residence. Daylight savings time for the last time swill go into effect in the small hours morning on March 27 when the clocks will be moved forward by one hour. Germany has refused to support the coalition against Libya and was strongly criticized by the NATO member- states.
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