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In response to the inclusion of Russia in the European Union's tax blacklist, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affair...

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Izvestiya: The most horrible tragedy in the history of domestic piloted cosmonautics

The Notarial Service will be seriously changed. A new bill concerning this service will be passed soon. In an Izvestiya interview Mariya Sazonova, Federal Notarial Chamber head, talks about the reform of this service. The new rules of registration and technical inspection of autos took effect on April 5. Izvestiya describes the situation in the registration department of the Central District of Moscow. A new financial system has been introduced this month in 125 schools. In an interview Andrei Chernakov, deputy head of Education Department, reveals the essence the new system, focusing on the new salary of school teachers. The most horrible tragedy in the history of domestic piloted cosmonautics took place on June 30, 1971 when the first crew of the first orbital station Salyut perished when returning to the Earth. Izvestiya examines how it happened. Mayor Sergei Sobyanin in the House of Trade Unions on Wednesday met with the leaders of Trade Union Organization. Izvestiya describes serious issues that the Mayor discussed at the meeting, focusing on tasks he set before the trade union leaders.The Finance Ministry and the Sports and Tourism Ministry should prepare their proposals concerning the sources of funding the preparations for the World Football Cup-2018. Such a commission was given by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. April 8 will mark one year since the presidents Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama in Prague signed the Treaty on the Reduction of Strategic Offensive Armaments ( START-3). The first Supplement is devoted to Taxes and the Law.
Billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov is willing to invest his own $100 million in the party's pre-election campaigning. He stated that his personal means will be registered as a membership fee. Newspaper describes the party's preparations for the parliamentary elections. Alexander Novikov, administration of ex-Mayor Yury Luzhkov former deputy head, who was fired from City Hall in November of 2010, committed suicide on Monday. Izvestiya says how his relatives regard the tragedy. The gvt expects that the sale of 25 percent package of shares of Sovkomflot will bring the Russian budget 30 billion rubles.This means that the cost of the whole ship-building company is preliminarily estimated at 120 billion rubles ($4.23 billion. But this is only the wish. The final price of the package put up for sale will be determined by an independent valuer. The Economic Development Ministry of Elvira Nabiullina has though up how to exclude mediators in state purchases.The story examines the project. Izvestiya examines spin doctors' several versions saying why St. Petersburg governor Valentina Matviyenko resisted to the president's proposal to head the Federation Council. The All-Russia People's Front on Tuesday sponsored doctors' round-table discussion of the draft bill concerning the fundamentals of guarding the people's health. The bill has been discussed for more than a year already. What did Minister Tatyana Golikova say about the bill and about the modernization of the health service? What was doctor Leonid Roshal criticized for ?