Kommersant english says Leaseholders of many historical buildings in Moscow that city authorities now make federal property have difficulties in extending agreements. The first sizeable facility that Rosimushchestvo has agreed to leave it with its previous owner is GUM on Red Square. The rental agreement with Group Bosco di Ciliegi of Mikhail Kusnirovich sign up to 2059. The payments for it may trebled. Vladimir Putin in Copenhagen shared his view on the West's crusade against Libya, saying who will elect a new president and how. Dmitry Medvedev in Chernobyl made new proposals concerning the development of nuclear energy and also proposed new rules of exploitation of nuclear power plants. Kommersant english examine his proposals. Parties have launched an active preparation for the State Duma elections. The LDPR and 12:28 PMhe Patriots announced their election slogans. The Audit Chamber made a statement, in which it demanded from the owner besttoday. ru portal Marina Litvinovich to apologize for the report "The Power of Families-2011. Government". The english story describes report attracted the Audit Chamber attention. The parliaments of Buryatia and Udmurtia on Tuesday introduced amendments to the constitutions of their regions removing the word "president" in naming the region leader. The Moscow Presnensky District Court on Tuesday sanctioned the arrest of five people suspected of abducting Ivan Kaspersky, son of authoritative businessman Yevgeny Kaspersky. The story in english features the participants in this highest -profile abduction of this year.
Mayor Sergei Sobyanin asked his subordinates to add several provisions to the city anti-traffic jams program for 2012-2016. Kommersant says what the mayor propose to add? Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday completed his visits to South Ossetia and Abkhazia, during which he made several english language statements of principle about Libya and the WTO. Vladimir Putin has immediately interfered in the development of fuel crisis, ordering to make the situation clear and to report the results. The economic loss from the acute coronary syndrome 20014 amounted to 74 billion rubles or 0.2 percent of gross domestic product, Academician Rafael Oganov and medical experts Anna Kontsevaya have calculated in their special study. Vimpelcom by the number of pure growth of users in Russia became the leader in March of 2011. The cited figures illustrate the point. Kommersant english says. The LUKoil Board of Directors has decided to recommend the shareholders to endorse the dividends by the results of 2010 at the level of 59 rubles per ordinary share. Sony has officially presented its own tablet computers. The models S1 and S2 from Sony will function on the platform OS Android 3.0 Honeycomb. English Kommersant looks at these models. Uralkaly today can make a decision to close its factories on the First mine in Berezniki where in 2006 a large accident took place.As a result, the company will lose about 5 percent of capacities producing potassium. But english analysts believe that the liquidation factories is a right step on the threshold of a merger with Silvinit.
Sberbank has announced a launching corporate pension program, the realization of which it will do through its own non-state pension fund. Kommersant english examines this program. The MICEX holding on the threshold of consolidation with the RTS exchange is trying to accumulate means for holding estimations by the deal. The shareholders meeting MICEX depositary allocated 4.4 billion rubles for dividends, which halved the company's own means. Kazakh Group Meridian would like to sell its package of shares in the Novaport holding controlled by the United Ship-Building Corporation of Roman Trotsenko. The most probable buyer is VTB Capital. The boards of directors of OGK-2 and OGK-6 controlled by Gazprom have endorsed the parameters of their merger.The shareholders should endorse the scheme on June 21, and the merger itself will be completed before the end of this year. Vertolyoty Rossii ( Helicopters of Russia) has determined the price parameters of its IPO on the London Stock Exchange that will take place after the May Day holidays The company has estimated itself at $1.8-$2.3 billion. Sberbank has agreed to restructure a 4 billion ruble debt of the plant of OAO Iskitimcement, a leading enterprise of RATM holding of Eduard Taran ( owns 67 percent of the plant).
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