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New problems in Nord Stream - 2
US President Donald Trump, who is losing power, managed to fulfill his obligations to Putin and suspend the introduction of new sanctions against the Nord Stream for just a couple of days. The president's veto against the US defense budget for 2021, where these sanctions were spelled out, was overridden by the Senate just a day after Trump vetoed the project. And this is in the Senate, where Trump's own party has a majority! Draw your own conclusions, gentlemen, why Trump embarked on this senseless venture with vetting.
Immediately after that, it became clear that Trump could no longer do anything with the new package of sanctions, and leading Western participants fled from the project. In particular, news appeared today that one of the key players is leaving the project: the Norwegian company DNV GL refused to certify the gas pipeline due to the threat of US sanctions. This company had to actually issue an opinion on the suitability of the pipe for work. That is, even if the pipe is completed, it will not be possible to put it into operation.
“DNV GL will cease all inspection activities of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline system in accordance with the sanctions and as long as these sanctions remain in effect. We are implementing a plan to phase out our support for the project, ”the company said in a statement. English Pravda
US sanctions, which came into effect on January 1 with the adoption of the defense budget in the US Congress, effectively prohibit foreign companies from providing pipeline testing, inspection and certification services. They are given 30 days to leave the project, otherwise they face sanctions.
DNV GL is a partner of the operating Nord Stream gas pipeline and the Nord Stream 2 under construction. The first gas pipeline has been undergoing annual DNV GL certification since 2012. DNV's verification procedures are designed to minimize project risks to human life, property and the environment. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline was designed in accordance with the DNV-OS-F101 subsea pipeline standard.
Inspection and certification of the pipeline is mandatory on its Danish section, the construction of which has not yet begun. The Russian pipe-laying barge Fortuna, with the support of other Russian vessels, is to begin construction on the Danish section from mid-January 2021, the Danish Maritime Agency reported in late December.
The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) previously said that a site in Denmark's exclusive economic zone can be certified by any “third party” that can issue a legal certificate of conformity. It is very interesting now what kind of sharashkin office will try to issue such a certificate of conformity.