In his first Izvestija interview GIBDD new chief Colonel Alexander Ilyun, who has been at this post for two months and a half talks about his first steps, saying what serious changes are expecting the city auto inspectorate. The Ministry of Regional Development in its development program profitable houses stated that one-fifth of the whole new housing will be leased. Experts Izvestija say the cost of the lease in such houses may be lower than the market one by 20-30 percent. Dmitry Medvedev has commissioned the gvt to secure the citizens' right to fish freely and at no cost. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has already ordered Rosrybolovstvo head Andrei Krainy to extend the moratorium on the distribution of patches for commercial fishing. Izvestija comments on the results of the negotiations on Thursday between King of Jordan Abdallah II (Sp?) and President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. Mayor Sergei Sobyanin on Monday said that a grandiose highway would be built in summer of 2013. The length of this highway that has been called North-Western Khorda (Chord) will amount to 29.1 kilometers. The new high-speed road will pass to Skolkovo. Izvestija describes the project. Presidential adviser Arkady Dvorkovich at a round-table discussion on Monday made public his theses devoted to the reform of the civil legislation. Experts discussed the amendments to the Civic Code that were submitted several weeks ago for public consideration. Dvorkovich stated that the majority of them did not cause any objections. Izvestija examines them in detail today.
Not only a car but also a bus, a truck or a combine-harvester starting next year will be possible to utilize for money. The Industry and Trade Ministry has calculated that this campaign will cost the budget almost 40 billion rubles. The gvt will intensify control over the use of the means of so-called mother's capital. The Health and Social Development Ministry and the Pension Fund have drafted proposals aimed at cracking down on swindlers. President Dmitry Medvedev has dismissed his adviser Vladimir Shevchenko by his wish, the Kremlin press service reported on Monday. Vladimir Shevchenko, who on Feb. 9 turned 72, was head of the Protocol of First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin. Economists from the World Bank last week conducted a poll of 3658 people in different countries with the aim of examining the level of their incomes. Russians' incomes turned out to be higher than the average ones in the world. Izvestija comments on the results. In Izvestija interview Academician Boris Chertok, comrade-in-arms of Sergei Korolyov, who will soon turn 100 and who continue to work in Energia, read lectures at the Bauman Technological Academy, reflects on Russian achievements in cosmonautics and on its prospects.
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