The State Duma in a couple of days will consider ( in the second reading ) the amendments to the Code on Administrative Offences that considerably increase fines for violating road safety rules. Izvestija examines the proposed fines for possible violations. There are considerably fewer expensive brands in Russia than there are billionaires. The number of well-known companies is seven whereas the number of super-rich people exceeds one hundred. Such a conclusion may be made after studying the rating of 500 most expensive brands of the planet that has been published by the British BrandFinance company. The Russian Exhibition Center (VDNKha ) has made public its new concept of development. Its global reconstruction costing approximately 120 billion rubles end in 2034. Izvestija says what this concept envisages. Dmitry Medvedev in his Gorki residence on Tuesday met with Crown Prince of Belgium Philipp (Sp? ), who has arrived in Russia at the head of a large trade and economic mission. The visit of Prince Philipp will last up to April 8, and the Belgian delegation during its stay in Moscow and St. Petersburg plans to conduct about 60 measures and to sign over 20 agreements. Dmitry Medvedev made large personnel reshuffles in the leadership of the Interior Ministry. Ten generals were dismissed and another 13 and one colonel were demoted to policemen.
Chechnya's head Ramzan Kadyrov has been re-elected president for the second term. The republic on this occasion is celebrating this holiday. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visited the Hydrometeorological Center, where its head Roman Vilfand told and showed many interesting things to Putin. Meteorologists are testing new equipment costing billions of rubles. They are willing in several years to present precise weather forecast which is possible only with the help of meteo-satellites. The country does not have them, and Putiin promised to find money for space too, Izvestija reported. Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin in his speech on Tuesday at the conference sponsored by the Higher School of Economics focused on who should take up posts in the boards of directors of the state-controlled companies. Legal Internet-casinos may appear in Russia. Specialists explain why it will be of no benefit to people. The construction and interior exhibition Mosbuild opened in Moscow. The German KNAUF firm is one of its traditional participants. In an Izvestija interview Its Manager-General Gerd Lenga (Sp?) talks about his company and its future plans. The Moscow gvt this month make public its new program of the development of city parks and nature-guarded zones. The story examines the program.
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Double Taxes. What is the threat of the abolition of tax agreements with the West?
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