In an interview Rosstat head Alexander Surinov comments on the first results of the national census of the population were made public in Rossijskaja gazieta on March 28. The average gas price for the population starting April 1 will increase by 9.5 percent, and this is already the second increase in 2011. The first time - by 5 percent - was on Jan. 1, Rossijskaja gazieta reported. Due to the blanks in legislation, Russians are given medicines that can be dangerous rather than be useful for health. Several regional round - table discussions in Kazan were sponsored by the Public Patients' Rights Defense Council Rossijskaja gazieta describes the discussions that were initiated by Council head Yan Vlasov. Drugs in the world at first decade of the 21st century killed over 1 million people, and 60,000 Europeans became its victims in Europe. Such information was made public at the news conference on Thursday by Viktor Ivanov, Director of the Russian Federal Drugs Control Service.
Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday met with Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, who told him about his first successes in solving the city problems were set by the president, Rossijskaja gazieta reported. The gvt soon may submit to the State Duma a draft bill worked out by the Finance Ministry that allows all mass media to be registered and work in the form of autonomous institutions. And to those who already work in that status it will help avoid a complicated procedure of reorganization or liquidation. Gazieta: What is to be done if patients in a hospital are asked to buy medicines or to make medical tests in a private laboratory? In Rossijskaja gaseta interview Vladimir Semyonov, Moscow region Health and Social Development Ministry, answers this and several other questions.
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