The reform of state purchases has begun. The State Duma on Wednesday will consider ( in the first reading ) amendments to the 94th law obliging the consumer to justify the initial cost of the contract. In the opinion of Izvestija experts that will make it possible to avoid the repetition of scandalous case with medical equipment that was bought at too high raised price. Moscow kindergartens these days hold meetings to discuss annual results of their work. Official figures on the reduction the queue from 20 000 to 6400 people gladden not all parents. They believe that making the groups larger and thus to reduce the queue are illegal and dangerous for children. President Dmitry Medvedev in the supreme leadership of Interior Ministry on Monday made several appointments. Izvestija gives their names and new posts. The British Petroleum company has asked the US administration to allow it to return to the Gulf of Mexico. The Americans are not against. The company is sick and tired of struggling for the right to work in Russia, and the USA is glad to break the company of the Russian shelf, experts suppose.
Teachers' salaries will soon be raised by 30 percent, approaching the average salary in the region where they work. Izvestija comments on the preliminary results of the census -2010 population that were made public by Rosstat head Alexander Surinov. How do sociologists regard them ? The Internet has cut the distance between the authorities and the society and will strongly affect the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections. On the World Internet Day that was marked on Monday Izvestija newspaper has asked experts to assess the Internet power. The Federation Council on Monday held parliamentary hearings headed by vice-Speaker Vyacheslav Shtyrov to discuss the draft of the federal bill concerning water supply and sewage.. This document should affect the existing situation in the housing-communal service (for example, to change the procedure of forming tariffs in this sphere). In an Izvestija interview Shtyrov talks about communal problems and about the new law. The New York Times reported that the sons of Muammar Gaddafi has a plan for a peaceful settlement in their country - it supposes the dismissal of the colonel from power. Izvestija features the family and the native place of First Soviet Cosmonaut Yury Gagarin. Why was he among many candidates chosen to make the first space flight?
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