President Dmitry Medvedev in an interview the Chinese CCTV channel on April 7 did not exclude that he would run for a new term as president. Komersantru comments on his statements. Mirax Group founder Sergei Polonsky and Alexander Klyachin,who has created a network of Azimut Hotels, own 700 hectares of land near the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway under construction now through the Khimki forest. This land, of which 140 hectares has been put up for sale, costs about $420 million. Environmentalists opposing the construction of the highway assure this land is in the forest and the gvt has promised not to build anything on it. Experts at the German Goete (Sp? ) Institute have checked up several variants of assignments on the German language Single State Examination (EGE) the Russian senior school pupils passed last summer. The results of that check-up have shown the presence of many spelling, grammar and lexical mistakes. Komersantru experts' claims can cause a new scandal around this examination. The European Court of Human Rights has acknowledged the decision about the abolition Republican Party of Russia (RPR) in 2007 violated the European Human Rights Convention in its part of the freedom of assembly and associations. The Russian authorities' stand on the party legislation underwent tough criticism. Governors of almost 25 percent of regions have made public their income and property declarations for 2010. Komersantru examines them in detail, saying whose income was very small as compared with others. The military in Moscow today will hold the first rehearsal parade in honour of Victory Day. Despite the late time, it may cause traffic jams. The experience of previous years shows the passage of military hardware in the city causes several problems. Komersantru examines some of them. The cited map shows streets on which the military machines will go.
The Main Investigative Board Investigative Committee has completed its investigation of the criminal case connected with notorious St. Petersburg businessman Vladimir Barsukov (better known as Kumarin), whom the investigators consider the founder and leader Tambov criminal community, and lawyer Dmitry Rafalovich. They are accused of extorting money from owners trading center "Yelizarovsky", having received over 21 million rubles. Commentary is made regarding Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's negotiations the Ukrainian leaders in Kiev. Economic Development Minister Elvira Nabiullina has dismissed Director-General of AO "Special Economic Zones" Igor Kosov and has appointed Oleg Kostin, an employee from the ministry to this post. Sources in the company say that the replacement AO head has violated the corporate procedures. The law-enforcers of Belarus reported about their first successes in their investigation terrorist act committed on April 11 at the metro station "Oktyabrskaya" in Minsk. Newspaper says special services detained several suspects of an involvement in the organization blow and compiled an identikit main executor. Authorities also reported about the main aim of the terrorist act - the destabilization situation in the country. Story in Komersantru. OSAO Ingosstrakh was fined by the Federal Service for Financial Market for 500 000 rubes for its refusal to provide information to minorities. Sberbank has lost two candidates to its Overseeing Council - Economic Development Minister Elvira Nabiullina and presidential adviser Arkady Dvorkovich. They themselves refused from the posts, Sberbank head German Gref reported. The first Russian private landing strip able to receive Boeing-737, Airbus s320 and Tu-154M may begin to work in the Talakan deposit in Yakutia in late 2012. Surgutneftegaz that has signed an agreement with the gvt of Yakutia will invest in this 4 billion ruble project. The credit given by Bank of Moscow to the structures of Vitaly Yusufov for buying its own shares amounted to $1.1 billion. In order to give this credit the bank had practically to exhaust the limit of the risk on one borrower and to sell assets, experts note. Komersantru says the credit given by the bank with such a difficulty and ensured by collaterals has most probably become the last big deal approved by Andrei Borodin at the post of the head of the bank.
Before the deal to sell the RTS exchange to its main competitor - the MICEX exchange holding - the RTS shareholders received the right to pay considerable dividends to themselves - the maximum size of which was 1.5 billion rubles. The exchange did not have enough money for that, in connection which it decided to sell 1.7 percent of shares of RTS that the exchange bought out from its shareholders at the peak of the crisis. The Main Board Moscow Interior Department announced a new criminal case connected the unestablished employees of Bank of Moscow this time connected the embezzlement of means from the bank depositors. Investigators say that the sum of the embezzled means amounts to 4.1 million rubles. Full story in Komersantru. Japan has raised the assessment accident in Fukushima-1 up to the Chernobyl exhausts from the Chernobyl power plant in 1986.. seventh level by the INES scale. The total leak of radiation amounted to about 10 percent. But Rosatom experts and the Academy of Sciences insist that Tokyo raises too high the extent of threat due to political motivations. The Helicopters of Russia state-controlled holding officially announced its intention to hold IPO in the London Stock Exchange. During the placement of shares the company intends to attract over $500 million. The company has evaluated itself at $2.5 billion. Komersantru experts believe the holding costs not more than $2 billion. SMR of Oleg Deripaska in 2010 increased its consolidated proceeds by 33.5 percent up to 5.4 billion rubles. Other indices are not elaborated. The production of cars in Russia in the first quarter of 2011 grew by 96.3 percent - up to 373 600 cars, the analytical agency ASM-Holding reported. The network of hypermarkets O'Key that last fall placed its shares in the London Stock Exchange has endorsed an option program for its management. Fifty of its top-managers and heads of its departments may become co-owners leading O'Key Group S.A. The second large vodka producer in Russia - Sinergia - has managed to outstripped by market capitalization the present market leader - the Central European Distribution Corporation (CEDC). The cited figures illustrate the point.
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