Russia over the past 10 years has lost one-third - over 40 million hectares - of its arable land. The amendments to the existing law that take effect in July allow authorities to take away unused land from careless owners. Izvestia newspaper tries to find out why farmers dream of receiving back their land. The dollar by the end of this year will cost 24-25 rubles, Deputy Economic Development Minister Andrei Klepach stated. The consolidation of the ruble for the economy is harmful. Economists Yevgeny Yasin and Boris Titov explained the reason. Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko has refused to visit Chernobyl for a three-party meeting with the leaders of Russia and Ukraine. The brief at Izvestia newspaper says why. The Defense Ministry is buying carnival costumes for 1.3 million rubles. The ministry has posted such an unusual order on its site of state purchases. Izvestia newspaper has calculated that the military could spend much less. United Russia on the threshold of the December State Duma elections has launched its own selection of candidates. The competition for the place in the parliamentary list will cover 5 people. The party's leadership except Vladimir Putin will also undergo the procedure. Izvestia newspaper describes a new type of extortion that bandits have "invented" for motorists. Izvestia newspaper analyses a troubled situation on the domestic pharmaceutical market, focusing on the main reasons behind such a situation and on the priority tasks in this sphere. Public mini-buses with the image of Stalin may appear in Moscow and in five other Russian cities starting May 3. The action has been organized by bloggers- Stalin-supporters who have bought ads on the sides of mini-buses for 300 000 rubles. On May 3 about 20 Moscow streets will be closed for traffic, starting six o'clock in the evening due to the second night rehearsal of the military parade devoted to s May 9 Victory Day. All this may cause an unprecedented traffic jams in city. The Moscow gvt on Tuesday endorsed the State Program of development city transportation system in 2012-2016. The city budget in the next five years spend 1.5 trillion rubles on the solution of transportation problems. Izvestia newspaper examines the program. The Supplement is devoted to Moscow, focusing on its construction projects.
Dmitry Medvedev through his decree has dismissed from the post and fired from the military service Navy Deputy Chief Commander Vice-Admiral Nikolai Borisov, chief of ship-building, armament and armament exploitation. His name is connected with the break down of the talks on the purchase of the French helicopter-carrier Mistral. The reasons behind the resignation of 51-year-old Navy Deputy Chief Commander are not elaborated. Discussion around the situation with the freedom of speech in the Internet has started in Russian society. What has caused it is the draft bills that allegedly impose the censorship. Besides that, the site of state purchases has posted orders on the study foreign experience of the monitoring international net. Izvestia newspaper examines to what extent the threat of "smothering" the Internet is real. The ambassadors of Belarus and North Korea were summoned to the Foreign Ministry of Russia, where they were given the notes of protest. Izvestia newspaper describes the reason for their visit there. Russia may transfer from the asphalted roads to the cement ones, Transportation Minister Igor Levitin told to the Rossia 24 television channel on Tuesday. And this is s because Russia does not produce high-quality bitumen. Experts doubt that this improve the situation. Izvestia newspaper says why. The alliance of heads regional mass media (ARS-PRESS) has drafted a concept aimed at making the mass media independent on the state. it has been submitted to the Communications Ministry, to the presidential Civil Society Council and to the State Duma. Izvestia newspaper reveals the essence of the concept. Mayor Sergei Sobyanin at the session of the city gvt stated that as many as 2.5 million people are involved in small and medium-sized business in the city and promised them his support. April 22 will mark the first anniversary of Mikhail Yurevich's governorship in the Chelyabinsk region. In Izvestia newspaper interview he talks about his first successes, revealing his future plans. Kiev wants cheap gas together with integration with the European Union. Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin and European Commission head Jose Manuel Barrozu ( Sp? ) on Tuesday arrived in Ukraine to tell the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich to choose this or the other. The Defense Ministry is ready to begin to fund work to create a new heavy liquid strategic rocket that will replace the existing complexes RS-20 Satana and RS-18 Stilet that have been in the army arsenal for over 30 years. In News Izvestia interview Gerbebrt Yefremov, Director-General of OAO "VPK NPO Mashinostroyeniye", says how to create a new rocket. The Supplement is devoted to Moscow with a priority task to turn it into the world financial center.
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