The related deputies of prime minister and ministers controlling the leading state-run companies will be replaced by independent directors. and it is not excluded that they will be foreigners. This point the presidential program aimed at improving the investment climate has become the most widely discussed today. Presidential adviser Arkady Dvorkovich has explained who will posts and why there is a need for that. A regular special police and FSB operation has been conducted in Ingushetia to liquidate the band underground. The situation in the north Caucasus remains tense. In Izvestijainterview Aly Totorkulov, head of Executive Committee Russian Congress Peoples of the Caucasus, shares his view on these questions. Employees from the guardianship bodies take away children from poor but solicitous parents, human rights advocates assure. They believe that the state should help poor families rather than increase the number of orphans. Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday visited the Yantar sport complex in Moscow Strogino district , where he spoke with figure-skaters and hockey-players. One of results of their conversation should be an improved situation in the children's and youthful sports.
Vladimir Milovidov, head Federal Service for Control over the Financial Markets, has handed in his resignation papers . His post will probably be occupied by Deputy Finance Minister Dmitry Pankin. Businessmen working in resorts in Kabardino-Balkaria pay off from bandits for the sake security of their own firms. This was stated by presidential representative in North Caucasus Federal District Alexander Khloponin. Six winners project "The Prize of Innovations 'Skolkovo' were announced in the small hours of morning on Friday. Izvestija presents the winners and their winning ideas. The long-standing confrontation between the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee (SK) has become strong again. The Prosecutor General's Office has demanded to dismiss Andrei Markov, acting head the SK Board of the Moscow region. And the prosecutors, in their turn, intend to subpoena Prosecutor General Yury Chaika 's son Artyom for interrogation. Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday met with the heads conflicting sides. The Constitutional Court on Thursday considered an unusual issue--five entrepreneurs from different parts of the country united to complain against the Criminal Code. They all were convicted for the production and sale of spying devices.The story details the case. The Justice Ministry has registered the Health and Social Development Ministry's Order that gives a list of 125 occupations for those young people who by religion cannot serve in the army. Izvestija looks at them.
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