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In response to the inclusion of Russia in the European Union's tax blacklist, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affair...

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Gazeta Izvestia: Eleven road sections specially equipped for buses and trolleybuses

Eleven road sections specially equipped for buses and trolleybuses will appear by the fall of this year. And by 2013 their number will be 30. Vladimir Putin on Wednesday distributed among its deputies control over the quality of delivering individual services. Thus, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov will monitor the surveillance of fire security and Sergei Ivanov - customs, post, and transport. Strange is the fact that First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zhubkov was not commissioned anything in this sphere. Making the deputies of the gvt head responsible for those bodies with which investors have to deal in their work was the president's initiative. Authoritative spin doctor and adviser to the Kremlin administration Gleb Pavlovsky has been dismissed, since the Kremlin does no longer needs his recommendations, gazeta Izvestia report.
The fuel collapse is threatening. Almost 50 percent of all gas-filling stations may stop their work due to the suspension of the fuel deliveries, the Inter-Regional Oil Union warns. Citizens have the right to import and export from the territory of the Customs Union ( Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, Izvestia Ukraine) up to $10 000 without declaring it. The Federation Council has endorsed the corresponding bill. The Sony corporation has confessed that hackers have stolen from it personal data for all 77 million PlayStation users, including the properties of credit cards. Gazeta Izvestia describes who has suffered from them.
The draft bill concerning the fundamentals of guarding citizens' health in Russia has been submitted to the Duma. Gazeta Izvestia examines in detail how it will change the health system in Russia. AFK Sistema main owner Vladimir Yevtushenkov has found a job in the company's petrochemical department for former mayor Yury Luzhkov. The first Supplement is devoted to Azerbaijan, focusing on Russia-Azerbaijan joint experience in the development of health care service. The second Supplement is Financial gazeta Izvestia, one of its stories notes that the restructuring of the huge debt of Greece, one of the problem countries in the euro-zone, may lead to the banking crisis that by scale will surpass the 2008 crisis.