The Ministry of Reg. Development is working out the standards of the activity of companies managing many - story buildings. The new standards in part introduce fines for the managing companies if they refuse to reveal information about their activity. The punishment for such companies may amount from 300 000 up to 500 000 rubles. In Rossiiskaya gazeta interview Moscow chief architect Alexander Kuzmin shares his opinion about city authorities' new town - building policy. President Dmitry Medvedev has appointed new regional heads of the Interior Ministries. Rossiiskaya gazeta says Belarussian Ambassador in Moscow Vasily Dolgolev on Thursday got indignant when he commented on the information about the presence of an illegal casino in the diplomatic mission of Belarus. The Central Election Commission considered 672 complaints against the March 13 elections. The facts of violations were confirmed in 90 cases, which amounted to 13.4 percent. See more in Rossiiskaya gazeta article.
The new innovation project - the introduction of modern technologies in the hotel business - is being put into effect in Russia. Rossiyskaya gazeta revealed the project essence. The new anti - alcoholic campaign began in Russia slightly more than a year ago. Many positive words have been said, but in reality this campaign is being used by some enterprising bureaucrats as an effective instrument of alcoholic market re-division. Money flows from one pocket into another, but the country is continuing to get drunk. The story in Rossijskaja gazieta describes a difficult fate of majority compatriots, who, according to the state resettlement program, have come to Moscow, but remain here without home. Mikhail Gorbachev is now staying in the Schon Klinik Munchen Harlaching hospital, in which several days ago he successfully underwent an operation on his spine, the press service of the Gorbachev fund reported via Rossiiskaya Gazeta.
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